I employ an integrative approach in psychotherapy which combines Jungian Analytical Psychology, Family System Therapy, Psychodrama, Ericksonian Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Therapy, Psycho-Analytic Dream Interpretation and Cinema Coaching. The combination of methods is individualized for each client.
Jungian Analytical Psychology provides an in-depth analysis. With the use of a holistic approach it uncovers individual subconscious complexes and universal content (more…)
Family System Therapy differs from individual therapy in that it views psychological difficulties and psycho-manifestations of the client as a reflection of family problems (more…)
Psychodrama is a psychotherapeutic practice of role playing. It is a correctional and diagnostic technique facilitating the exploration of the client’s inner world and free expression of feelings (more…)
Ericksonian Hypnosis is a non-directive method of hypnotherapy where the client is put into a trance without being in an actual sleep and the interaction between the psychotherapist and the client (more…)
Psychosomatic Therapy is based on the understanding that psychological factors influence the onset and dynamics of bodily diseases, and may have healing effects (more…)
Psycho-Analytic Dream Interpretation is an important technique for accessing the subconscious world. In a conscious life, a person is influenced by various factors (more…)
Cinema Coaching is a new approach that is gaining increased popularity due to its effectiveness and I use it as part of a complex approach to psychotherapeutic work (more…)