1. When should I see a psychotherapist?

Sometimes it is obvious that something is happening in your life that is preventing  you from living, sleeping and thinking normally (more…)

2. How do I find my psychotherapist? 

Your choice should be made very carefully. It should be a person with whom you can share the most intimate of details, and this person must be able to process such (more…)

3. Different psychotherapists use different approaches, which one is better? 

There are a broad range of approaches in psychotherapy, and each uses a variety of techniques. For sure you may try to analyze the paradigms used by a psychotherapist (more…)

4. What approaches do you practice?

As indicated in credentials, I specialize in a variety of psychotherapeutic approaches, and I use them to identify the root of the problem (more…)

5. How to start speaking about your problems at the first session?

Some people easily share their stories without difficulty at their first session. Others may require more time to open up (more…)

6. What makes you different from other psychotherapists?

My private practice as a psychotherapist started in 2002. I have a PhD in Psychology and am certified in Jungian Analytical Psychology, Family System Therapy, (more…)

7. How long is the psychotherapy course and how much will it cost?

In psychotherapy, each client is unique, and there is no universal recipe or duration of treatment. Even in todays conventional healthcare system the shift is towards (more…)

8. Why follow the psychotherapist’s recommendations and assignments?

A professional psychotherapist neither gives advice nor imposes priorities and values on you. However, to achieve positive results, sometimes he/she can give (more…)

9. What outcomes can I expect from psychotherapy?

The results highly depend on your motivation and cooperation with the psychotherapist. The first manifestation of results may be starting to recognize  (more…)

10. How can I be sure of confidentiality with my psychotherapist? 

Confidentiality is an integral part of psychotherapeutic relationship and applies both to the fact of psychotherapy itself and to its contents (more…)

11. What is the difference between a psychotherapist, a psychologist and a psychiatrist?

In Ontario, psychotherapists and psychologists are licensed by different associations although both of them provide psychotherapy services addressing (more…)