Our lives are shaped by the images that surround us
Have you ever given thought about the things that affect our lives? We are all aware of the importance of internal attitudes — thoughts, feelings, desires, stereotypes which also happen to be elements of my profession as a psychotherapist. Nevertheless, there is even a more select group who realize the importance of external factors. Moreover, the images around us, namely paintings, photographs and sculptures are not given much thought by anybody. As a rule, our “Self” doesn’t care about the place of our existence, with which we interact daily and which is the source of information flows for our subconscious. In other words, any art object has the ability to impact us by spreading dynamics and creating changes in our lives. Such is the need for “environmental hygiene”, to ensure that images which influence dynamics and information flow are positive but may also be used to reverse any negative effects.
My passion for art began while studying Analytical Jungian Psychology almost twelve years ago, where this type of psychotherapy is focused on images and their symbolism. After receiving an additional art diploma and becoming a member of the “Art History & Critics Department” of the International Federation of Artists I started to analyze not only the “classical products” of our subconscious — dreams, fairy tales, myths and fantasies, but also the art around us. It’s obvious from a person’s actions what the subsequent results will be. As well, we can tell a lot about a person’s life by analyzing his or her interior environment. Through “imagery” the possibility of correcting problems always exists. The integrity of the individual existence is woven from many details and sometimes it is merely enough to move a painting or add colours to initiate change.